
Two years ago, while in India, God challenged my heart to give him my music. Most of my songs came out of my prayer closet... They aren't professionally recorded or of high quality, but simply the overflow of my heart and pieces of my testimony. Check out more about my music and officially "Enter My Prayer Closet" here!

Click on the YouTube videos below or music player to hear some of my songs! 

Help My Unbelief
I wrote this song in 2017. I was in a season where I felt like I was hitting my head against a wall. I kept pushing in to God but felt like I was pushing against a brick wall. This song was a declaration of my determination to keep pushing in and keeping believing and it was a prayer for God to help me in that moment. Just as the man in scripture cried out, "Lord, I believe! Help my Unbelief!" That was the prayer of this song for me.

Love is Washing
I wrote this song while in Mozambique.  I was partially inspired after visiting the hospital there and praying for a mother and her newborn who had healthy issues.  I was struck by the baby's focused and trusting gaze at his mother. Despite his circumstances, the baby seemed unaware of anything but his mothers gaze.  The next morning as I prayed, I felt God's presence so intensely, and I felt like I saw His eyes gazing at me with that all consuming love that I'd seen in the Mother's eyes the day before.  I can only say that God gave me the words for this song, because it came so easily.... And each time I listen to it, I feel again the power of His love.  It is more powerful than I could ever have imagined!  

Nothing Can Separate Us
This song is taken straight from Romans 8! Nothing, NOT NOW or EVER can separate us from God's love!

Hanging Onto You
I wrote this song in the fall of 2016 after going through a rough season with the revelation that no matter what I'm facing, God is worth hanging onto. He IS enough motivation to look past my difficult situations. I'll hang onto him no matter what I face...


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