About Me

In one way or another, most of us are trying to determine what our purpose is...

Yesterday, I was a CPA in an office with a plan.
Today, I am a discoverer on a journey of faith.
Tomorrow... Well, we'll have to see :)

From childhood, I always thought I knew what my purpose was, but life unfolded in unexpected ways. In my years, I've journeyed to mountaintops and desert places. Experienced sunrises and storms. Though I planned my course, the Lord determines my steps and as I journey through this beautiful landscape of "life", I am finding purpose for tomorrow.

In 2014, I told the Lord I wanted to give up control. Well, that prayer has led me to this great adventure full of unknowns!  In January 2015, I joined a missions movement that has been transforming my life and ruining me for normalcy. Now, I am simply following God wherever He leads...

To find out more about where I am, click here!


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