Snapshot Updates

Summer 2018
This summer I had the pleasure of seeing giant Redwood trees for the first time. I took my dog for plenty of walks. I held lots of babies and played with lots of children. I worked, I sewed, I painted, and experienced my first Mulberry tree (mmm! So good). I traveled from CA to MN to MO to AR to TX to AR, MO, MN to CO to CA. There you have it. My summer in a nutshell.

May 2018
I graduated my first year of Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry. The year was life changing and laid a lot of foundation stones of my belief system down. I felt God confirming my call to teach, be a mother to the lost, to missions, and so much more. I found family and more of myself. Though there were many times it felt like a roller coaster ride of emotions, overall, I would say I had a lot of joy!

September 2017
I just completed my first full month at Bethel's School of Supernatural Ministry this month! There has been a LOT to take in, but overall, I've been very glad for the decision to be here! I also did my first Art Sozo this month and painted two additional paintings since then... God has ministered to me deeply through these paintings... This one below is a painting of a picture that God gave to me one morning as He's been speaking to me of his protection... His love, promise and protection are surrounding me...

July - August 2017
This summer was rapid fire fast. Starting off with my road trip with Katie back to Minnesota for my "season of rest".  Followed by Family Camp at Lake Geneva with my parents, unpacking from my move from Colorado Springs, spending a week in Mexico, applying/interviewing for the Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry, visiting with family, and then before I could get too settled, repacking for another long trip down through Missouri, Arkansas, Colorado and Utah, visiting family and friends on my way to California where I started the school of ministry! Wow, what a whirlwind two months!

January - June 2017
I spent the first four months of the year working hard at three jobs, including a part time tax season job. Time flew by, and then before I knew it I was traveling to visit Bethel, friends and have a spiritual retreat of sorts. While there, I took many opportunities to go to services and many more things as I sought God's presence, direction and healing for my heart.  During that week, I made the decision that it was time for me to move on from Colorado Springs. Then within just a few weeks of my decision, my Grandma here in Colorado passed away. While I mourned for myself and my family, my heart celebrated as I knew heaven had just gained a saint!  I will be moving back to MN at the end of June, will be working remotely, and most importantly, seeking the face of God.  While God has continually invited me to choose what I WANT, the deepest thing I want is found only in HIM. It isn't summed up by any place, person or thing... It is only summed up in Him. HE is what I want. While I am saying goodbye to this season, I am hopeful and full of expectation for the next.

February-December 2016
In February I moved to Colorado Springs CO, where I still reside. It was a crazy year full of ministry, and lots of moves within the Springs... Three months in a ministry house to two months in a family's home to house sitting downtown for 2 months back to the family's home where I finished the year out.  During the year I worked with the Worship ministry, started building relationships with the homeless and serving them on a weekly basis, started a new job where my bosses and coworkers became like family. On top of that, I also started learning how to paint!!

January 2016
After a 27 hour flight from Mozambique to Minnesota, a 9 hour drive from Minnesota to Missouri, and a 7 hour drive from Missouri to Texas, I got to celebrate Christmas with my family and meet my new nephew, Felix!  I then spent 2 weeks in Minnesota before I headed to Colorado!

October - December 2015
During October, I landed in Mozambique, experienced life as a visitor at the Zimpeto Children's center, and then transitioned into my routine for the next three months, including helping in finance, helping with the girls area, some clinic work, hospital visits, and other tasks... My favorite part of course was my precious girls! They've captured my heart :)  During November, I was blessed to visit the Pemba Iris base where Heidi Baker is stationed and even met her. It was an incredible and refreshing week! In December, I finished my work and ended my trip with a very special Christmas!

August/Semptember 2015
During August and September, I prepared myself for Mozambique. Applied for VISAs, packed, bought supplies, and had opportunities to sing at BCC and lead their youth group in Worship.  I also spent time with friends and family, from state fairs with Dad, to random exploration with Joanna, to relaxing with Gabby and her new sweet little one... I am one day away from flying to Mozambique today!!

July 2015
During the month of July, I enjoyed camp with my family, celebrated my birthday, and witnessed the incredible and miraculous birth of one of my best friend's precious baby girl! I also bought myself a travel guitar and applied to go work in an orphanage overseas! We will see where God brings me next!

June 2015 
In the very church I grew up in, and spent years saying no to singing on stage because I claimed I had "stage fright", I proved that God is stronger than fear!  Today I had the privilege of sharing one of my songs, "Don't Hold Anything Back" at Brookdale Christian Center and share a short testimony of what God had done in my life.  Not only that, but when they randomly asked me to sign with the worship team this morning, I couldn't say no :), and I was struck with the incredible opportunity to stand in the place of my childhood fears and walk out in victory! Woohoo God!!! Thank you Lord for freedom!

I had the incredible opportunity to share my testimonies and songs with friends in Missouri last Friday.  It was such an encouraging evening and God really touched our hearts.  It was the first time that I have led worship with the songs that have poured out of my music/prayer times with God and I was so encouraged by the feedback! Thanks to everyone who attended!!  Now I am in Minnesota and praying about other opportunities to share all God has done in me!

I have returned from my overseas adventures, and now am waiting on God for the next steps! In the meantime, I am enjoying my family and friends! :)

May 2015
We are in India! We are doing VBS, visiting homes and praying with people and many other things... I have to confess, I love the kids at VBS and it has been my highlight!

April 2015
We are in Israel! We are working with a ministry that houses refugees among other things. I have worked primarily with the precious children!

Jan-March 2015
Monday through Friday, I get to work on the farm here at YWAM! The Farm is an experimental place where YWAM tries methods of gardening and farming that can be used overseas in places where people don't have access to the same stuff. I was so excited this week to get to hold a little baby lamb! :)

I leave for Hawaii on January 8! Until then, I get to enjoy time with my family in MN, and become more and more excited about Hawaii weather! :)

Sept 2014
Below is the list almost 20 people helped me complete to get my house ready for sale! They did such a great job, my house went under contract in less than 30 days! Though there were some surprises along the way, today it's a sold home!  To get the scoop on the surprise I received, click here.

 During prayer at my church one evening, someone said to me she saw me like Biblo in the Hobbit, running and saying "I'm going on an Adventure!"... That was at the beginning of the year, and now it's a reality!  When I planned my going away party from Springfield, this was the event page header in honor of that memory :).  To read the full story on my new adventure, click here and here.


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