The Beginning of a Journey...

"In January of 2006, God began to do some amazing things in people's lives at North Central University, including mine. My lifelong dream had always been to get married and have kids. I never allowed myself to think about the possibility of that never happening, and I always assumed I would find the man of my dreams during college.

That year, I was a junior Music Business Major... and single. As the year progressed, I became more and more worried about graduation. I wasn't married (or even close), and I had no idea what I was going to do with my life. Sometime during the beginning of the second semester, I was finally convinced to switch to an accounting major. It wasn't long after that when at a prayer meeting, God gave me a dream.

This dream had nothing to do with marriage, but suddenly all my fears about graduating had disappeared. I found purpose. I knew God had led me to accounting for a reason and was going to use me and my skills."

I wrote that journal entry a while ago in a book I call my "dream book". The dream was to start a home for single mothers, and just now, I am beginning the planning process. I have to confess! I'm scared. I don't know what I am doing! I am a type A tax accountant that has a dream and sometimes it feels like only that. I question my ability. I wonder how and why God gave me this dream! There are so many questions and many times I feel so inadequate and unprepared. While I was so passionate about it all for the first 2 years, beginning the planning process forces me to step out of the "dream" phase and into the "plan" phase and I doubt at times whether it will come to pass. I could go on, but when I stop. I must confess that I truly believe God gave me this dream for a reason. Although, I must ALSO confess, that I have no idea what that reason is.

I am on a journey, I guess. I just started my job as a tax accountant in August. I've hopefully just finished the CPA exam (if i passed). And at times, I find myself again at a loss of what my purpose really is. But I know I have one. And so... I pursue it.


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