One Tear.

One tear is all that's left inside.
The others all have dried.
One tear leaves its heavy weight-
An imprint on my pride.

Brokenness is common.
Imperfection is the norm.
My failures are depleting
My flesh is all but torn.

All those inner demons
Whispering my name
They tell me it is pointless
My efforts - all in vain.

Emotions - overwhelming
Instead I run away.
Feelings are unstable.
I must keep the tears at bay.

But they well up deep within me
Drowning all my hope.
Strength - like a river dam -
forces me to cope.

And yet, I find it cleansing
when the overflow appears
I wish I had not just one,
but a thousand tears.

But Alas,
one tear is all that's left inside
The others all have dried.
One tear a faint reminder
of the night I died.


  1. Wow. This is amazing. I want to republish it.

    You have amazing depth. Sometimes when I read things you have wrote, I tell people to go read it because it is so incredible.

    This is another one of those moments. Thanks. God is using you through your poetry to express powerful things, and I pray that it brings forth great fruit, that maybe you don't even see.

    Love you!!!!


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