Costa Rican Breeze

As I am sitting in the window of my sister Joanna's apartment in San Jose, Costa Rica with the clear blue sky and gentle breeze filtering through the window, blowing in my hair--I am filled with such peace. These are the moments that I cherish and wish I could hang onto forever. With the business of life, I don't take enough time to just sit and be. I don't take the time to just sit and remember that God is Sovereign. That He created the heaven's and the earth and everything in them. That He loves me. That is patient with me. That is so so good. I get so busy, that I forget... But today, I remember. Today I am reminded that God is in the breeze. He is in the still air. He is in the storm. He is in every day and every moment.

To the left is Biblioteca Cincel - the language school for missionaries. To the right are more very security conscious apartments. Everyone here is very security conscious and lock and double lock all doors on all occasions. They don't even leave doors unlocked for a quick step outside. Ahead, I see many other homes, but its crazy how different these homes look than homes in the States. Also, palm trees are decorating the streets. Every morning I wake up to the sound of a thousand birds singing and ca-cawing and children playing. Today, there was some man shouting on a megaphone.

In the mall, the Tico vendors place their items on blankets and shout at all the people passing by about their products. Somebody keeps on eye out and when they see the police, the millions of vendors sweep their products up and in 2 seconds are gone. One tico man who cannot talk plays a guitar and "sings" loudly to get money. I hear that he is quite famous. In the square, a million pigeons swarm and wander around. And the souvenir shop... what an experience and fun!

The roads are bumpy and curvy, and drivers don't care who's crossing the street... watch out! (as my sister and mom found out). When it comes to the road, you better hope you have a little aggressive in you. However, the people really are overall very friendly.

The scenery, especially outside of San Jose, is very beautiful and tropical. On the way to San Carlos, where we went to the Baldi Hot Springs and saw the volcano, we took an hour detour through some rural areas (yeah, we were lost). I loved it! If we hadn't we wouldn't have gotten to bump around the dirt roads and accidently find a beautiful garden area. Joanna got to ask a hundred people for directions and hear everybody's interpretation of where the volcano was. Haha. What an adventure!

The hot springs were incredible. It had a ton of waterfalls and different pools with different temperatures of water (all natural). The hotel we stayed at was very nice as well. And birds are everywhere. We saw some really bright blue birds.

Anyway... that's my recap as of now. Overall. God is good. And family, though stressful at times, is always a blessing. Though I hate it when I am reminded of my weaknesses, I am thankful for the opportunity to grow again. And I hope that I do...

Love you God, Sarah


  1. Sounds amazing. When will you be back? I will soon have more time on my hands, so I will actually be able to think about making plans, lol. Enjoy your vacation and your wonderful family time. :)

  2. This was refreshing to read. Excited to have a bit more time with you.



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