Awe of God.

I don't know what it is, but lately, I've been more and more in AWE of God. I tend to keep myself pretty busy with church, work, friends, projects, and other things... but lately, even in my busy life, God has begun to give me new eyes.

I look out at nature, and I don't just see trees and sky, but I see trees full of leaves on a trunk full of branches that has roots that go into the ground. Each leaf is made up of particles Everything little thing that is so easy to take for granted is in actuality so incredible... God didn't skip out on details.

I know there is a lot about God that I don't know or understand, but I know His love is amazing. He reached down into the world and left his imprint all over it... In addition, sometimes I bypass the amazing truth that God chose me!! He picked me out, knowing the many ways I would fail and falter, and pursued me. When I rejected him and turned away, He stayed there, put his hand on me and declared - YOU ARE MINE.

And I know it's true. No matter how much I desire other things, I always want him more! I have so much more I could say about this, but I will hold off...

For the most part, what I wanted to say is that GOD IS AWESOME... and I'm in awe.


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