How much is it worth?

Standing in the bus, I pulled out 50 cents to pay the youth rate for my bus ride.  Even at 20, I was able to pass as a youth, but as I sat down, the Lord challenged me with a question.  How much is your integrity worth?  At that moment, I realized that I had just sold my integrity for $1.00.

How many times since then have I been challenged with that same question... What about $4? Standing at the ticket stand, student ID in hand... no longer a student... The temptation is real, and the $4 is easily saved... But is my integrity worth more than that?

Is your integrity worth more than a day's wage? cough cough... I am feeling a little sick...

Is your integrity worth more than a good grade?  I mean, they have to know that everyone cheats on take home tests anyway...

What other areas in life does your integrity get tested?  Are you willing to sell it for a price? Or trade it in?

The question has haunted me ever since that moment on the bus.  The moment that I made the wrong choice.  I realized then that my integrity was worth far more than that. Integrity is priceless.


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