TENSE - My Post from 2010 revisited...

The Lord has been teaching me this past year (2013) to trust in him more, to not worry about tomorrow, but to just walk with Him a day at a time.  Sometimes I will go back and read some of the things I had written and think, "wow, I wrote that?"... It's amazing how God can use my old writings to speak to me, challenge me, and get me back on the right path again...

Back in 2010, I wrote the following entry and I thought it was worth revisiting again now...

My mind has just been going through so many things lately, but today, I may have come across something good...

Have you ever been through a procedure where you are told to relax? The thought is that if you relax, things will be less painful...Which I have found to be true. From shots to women's papsmears to childbirth (my mom's words) to sitting in a chair for an extended period of time (trust me, that can get painful if you're tense), relaxing your muscles can make a huge difference in the amount of pain you feel. I've begun to think that this can apply to not only to the physical realm, but also to the emotional and spiritual realm.

So often, we are emotionally and spiritually tense. We are worried about the future, stressed about the present, carrying around baggage from the past. This approach in life can leave us exhausted, broken, and in a lot more pain than we needed to be if we had just released those things to the Lord...

Is there anyone else out there that thinks through things... A LOT. Who analyzes, considers, plans... My mind is often packed full of "cares".... But the Lord instructed me to cast my cares upon him... HE CARES!  While my burden is often heavy and wearisome, HIS burden is easy and light.  When I start to find myself fretting about tomorrow, I have to remind myself to take a deep breath (RELAX), and to just trust in the Lord.  The following wisdom was once shared with me, and I think it corresponds to the message from my post in 2010... "Hold things loosely".   When you hold your plans, your control loosely, it releases the tension, so to speak, and allows the Lord to truly lead us.

Here's another thought.. Have you ever danced with a partner?  How does it work out when the female is tense?  From my experience, it's made following the leader pretty difficult, and the dance clunky and far less enjoyable than the times that  I have relaxed and allowed myself to just be lead. 

Lord, I want to follow you.  I release my burdens, my worries, my control to you today and I fix my eyes onto you.  I know you are my good shepherd, and that's all I need to know.  All the rest will be taken care of when I just lean into and trust in you...


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