A Little Bird and her 7 chicks

The peaceful wind blows over me, and I watch mama bird fly in and out of her nest to feed her chicks.  She built her nest inside of my tree, and when I bend down, I can look in and see her 7 chicks. Though it is dark in there, I could count their little beaks, so I know there were 7.  Every time I bend over to take a peak in I can see them open their mouths and hear them crying to me "Feed me, feed me!"  Mama is a beautiful bird with colors of blue and black. I looked it up and believe she is a Nuthatches bird.  

While these are a small variety of woodpeckers, and could do some damage from what I read (I am hoping that she and her new little family limit the damage they do), they are fun birds. Before the chicks were laid and born, I remember watching mama and papa bird hop around my tree. They hopped up and down the tree, and they really make a fun sound.  A couple times when I leaned in to look in the hole, I saw mama laying on her eggs.  

She doesn't hang out in there much now. It looks like she just comes by with bugs to feed her chicks, though, I don't know how she'd fit anymore anyway. 7 little birds in that hole looks crowded!  I am looking forward to seeing these chicks climb out to take flight for the first time.  Every time I see them I feel blessed.  I've never gotten to see this type of thing before and it is a beautiful process. I find that new life is beautiful, no matter what form it comes in.

Today, I'm thanking God for the new work he is doing in me, the new life he is restoring to my soul, and the gift of watching the new life for these little birds. To think, God cares for the birds and providing them food, and how much more us, the ones he calls sons and daughters...


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