Greater Things Than These-A Reflection in India
written May 12, 2015 in Bangalore, India
Jesus did many miracles, cast out many demons and more during his ministry on earth, but today as my team and I visited the New Ark Mission of India, Home of Hope, I was struck with the question, what did Jesus really mean when he said those who followed and believed in Him would do greater things than these?
Usually it seems we think it means that we will do greater miracles, see more demons cast out and more.... But what if, greater things than these means going in really difficult situations and serving, loving and caring for really difficult and broken people. People with holes in their faces and tumors protruding from stomachs larger than a pregnant woman's stomach.... People with flesh eaten by maggots and rings embedded in their skin... People with mental illness and fried brains... People who can't even think to feed themselves and must be fed...And much more...
Today as I watched the story of this place my stomach turned at the images of the people with all these problems and more. This man and his family live with 500 people from off the streets. With no education beyond third grade, he performs medical care everyday. They feed 3 meals a day. They love these people, clean them, and help them get well, and they share Jesus with them every day through their actions and then top it off with their words of truth... Is this not a much more difficult ministry? What if this is the greater things than these Jesus spoke off??
I would rather pray for someone and see them healed but to care for these people and people like them everyday requires the spirit of God to consume you, because in the flesh we will get tired and quit, but through Gods Holy Spirit this man carries on day after day. You could see his love and humility...
Yet here I was, hardly able to even look at the images of the people on screen let alone touch them, clean them and love them... This man takes people off the streets daily and through Gods miraculous provision has not missed feeding meals at this house for them in 18 years! This is a walk of faith and true godliness. He fed the sick, cared for the needy and created a home for the homeless and it is as though he has done it for Jesus himself.
Not everyone is called to this same thing, yet my heart inside is broken and humbled at the question.... Am I willing to surrender everything to be Gods hands and feet? What is God asking me to give up? Am I after a good name for seeming to do great ministry? Am I after praise for miracles done? Am I willing to do the dirty work just as I am desirous of the glamorous?
Is this not indeed a greater thing? A greater surrender? A greater example of Jesus' love? What is greater? A healed body or a healed heart??
Just like the man who had his legs healed, we need to walk healing out! When God heals our hearts we will see different, hear different, walk different and live different!!
Oh God, whatever things you have set before me, strengthen me to bear that cross so that I might glorify your name and that people may have their hearts turned to you, for this is by far the greatest thing... To Know You and to walk as you would walk in me...
Jesus did many miracles, cast out many demons and more during his ministry on earth, but today as my team and I visited the New Ark Mission of India, Home of Hope, I was struck with the question, what did Jesus really mean when he said those who followed and believed in Him would do greater things than these?
Usually it seems we think it means that we will do greater miracles, see more demons cast out and more.... But what if, greater things than these means going in really difficult situations and serving, loving and caring for really difficult and broken people. People with holes in their faces and tumors protruding from stomachs larger than a pregnant woman's stomach.... People with flesh eaten by maggots and rings embedded in their skin... People with mental illness and fried brains... People who can't even think to feed themselves and must be fed...And much more...
Today as I watched the story of this place my stomach turned at the images of the people with all these problems and more. This man and his family live with 500 people from off the streets. With no education beyond third grade, he performs medical care everyday. They feed 3 meals a day. They love these people, clean them, and help them get well, and they share Jesus with them every day through their actions and then top it off with their words of truth... Is this not a much more difficult ministry? What if this is the greater things than these Jesus spoke off??
I would rather pray for someone and see them healed but to care for these people and people like them everyday requires the spirit of God to consume you, because in the flesh we will get tired and quit, but through Gods Holy Spirit this man carries on day after day. You could see his love and humility...
Yet here I was, hardly able to even look at the images of the people on screen let alone touch them, clean them and love them... This man takes people off the streets daily and through Gods miraculous provision has not missed feeding meals at this house for them in 18 years! This is a walk of faith and true godliness. He fed the sick, cared for the needy and created a home for the homeless and it is as though he has done it for Jesus himself.
Not everyone is called to this same thing, yet my heart inside is broken and humbled at the question.... Am I willing to surrender everything to be Gods hands and feet? What is God asking me to give up? Am I after a good name for seeming to do great ministry? Am I after praise for miracles done? Am I willing to do the dirty work just as I am desirous of the glamorous?
Is this not indeed a greater thing? A greater surrender? A greater example of Jesus' love? What is greater? A healed body or a healed heart??
Just like the man who had his legs healed, we need to walk healing out! When God heals our hearts we will see different, hear different, walk different and live different!!
Oh God, whatever things you have set before me, strengthen me to bear that cross so that I might glorify your name and that people may have their hearts turned to you, for this is by far the greatest thing... To Know You and to walk as you would walk in me...
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