Trusting and Resting in our Savior...

I felt God Speaking these words about TRUSTING HIM to me on January 21, 2015 after Reading Isaiah 26:3-4 and a few other passages.... After reading it again today, I wanted to post it here to share, as I think it could bless others as well...  He wants our complete trust, and in exchange, He gives us perfect peace!


I will keep you in perfect peace if you keep your mind on me. Not on fixing others. Not on fixing yourself. No. Keep your mind fixed on ME.  When you fix your mind on me, you WILL find peace because you trust in me.  When you trust in me, you will find perfect peace. Trust in me Forever, because I am an everlasting rock and I will keep you steady. When the storms of life rage, you won't be tossed to and fro because you are standing on ME, your Solid Rock.

All your problems... all your trying to to understand things on your own only serves to thrust you into the waters of confusion and rob you of peace. So again, I say to you: Trust in ME with ALL your heart and lean NOT on your own understanding. Acknowledge me in ALL your ways, and I WILL make your paths straight (Prov. 3:5-6).  Figuring things out on your own is a form of taking control and leaning on YOUR OWN understanding instead of trusting ME. Don't be wise in your own eyes. Turn away from that evil and TRUST ME (Prov. 3:7). 

Again I say, Do not worry about anything. Not even what you will eat, drink or wear (Luke 12:22, 29).  TRUST IN ME. I know what you need (Luke 12:30).  Instead of all that, SEEK ME and my kingdom and ALL these things will be taken care of (Luke 12:31).

So again, I remind you. I WILL keep you in perfect peace because you keep your mind fixed on me because you TRUST in ME.

God wants our trust. We CAN TRUST in Him, because He IS trustworthy... We do not need to be afraid. We do not need to worry. We can experience perfect peace in HIM. PERFECT PEACE. When we seek Him first, all of our needs are taken care of.... It is a beautiful things to rest and trust in our Savior.......


  1. Thank you Sarah. I know we can trust Him. Sometimes its hard. Sometimes I don't understand, but then I remember he says "lean not on your own understanding." He IS trustworthy and I have nothing to fear.

    Love you.


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