Hands too Full

She rose, but then she fell again and all her packages tumbled from her hand all over the ground. OH, she thought, If only i had left some of these in the car and taken TWO trips into the house I wouldn’t be in this situation!!  But there she was. With boxes tumbled all over the sidewalk and her can of black beans rolling down the hill in one direction and her other groceries displayed up the grass in the other. 

You’d think I’d LEARN! She thought.

Truth is. This wasn’t the first time she had experienced this type of scenario. She loved efficiency and getting things done quickly, and so it had happened on more than one occasion that she had filled her hands too full trying to get to the finish line quickly, and in the end spent twice as long cleaning up the mess her “quick way” had created.

As she picked up the can of beans and the chicken and other groceries from the grass, She began to think about the other areas in her life that she had perhaps filled her hands TOO full. Trying to juggle too many things all at once had created damage in more ways than one. Trying to please all her friends and squeeze everyone into her busy schedule meant She didn’t have the quality time to offer to any single one of them, leaving them all feeling just slightly slighted. Trying to do her job and also volunteer in multiple places at once left her exhausted and worn out and not having a ton to offer to her employer or to the other organizations. Filling her hands TOO full had hindered her and hurt them. 

But how could she choose? How could she know which thing to do, which friend to invest in? 

She sighed with frustration as she dropped the first bag of groceries into the house and went back for her boxes. 

It’s not like this was the first time she had this conversation with herself. But maybe that was the problem. Maybe she needed to stop having this conversation with herself and start talking to someone else. THE One who could truly guide her in this. 

Lord, she began. I know this is only a silly bag of groceries and a few boxes splashed all over the place, but they’ve reminded me how much I need you to guide me as I navigate what to pick up in my life. Oh Jesus, HELP ME! 

As She prayed and gathered her last boxes she remembered other times in her life when she felt overwhelmed by all the activity going on around her. She could have worn herself out trying to do it all, but she didn’t. IN the end, God HAD faithfully brought just the right people and right things her way. 

Oh Daughter, don’t you remember that you don’t have to STRIVE?

Delight yourself in the Lord and HE will give you the desires of your heart. Commit your way to him. TRUST in Him and HE will do this - He shall bring forth your righteousness as the light and your justice as the noonday. REST in the Lord and WAIT patiently for Him. Do NOT fret.........the LORD upholds the righteous. 


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