Open Door

She opened the door, not knowing what may lay before her. The bell had sounded earlier that night. Initially she ignored the sound announcing someone’s arrival; however after the offending visitors persistence did not seem to fade with time, she finally resigned herself, misewell go see about that since they clearly aren’t leaving.
As she headed down the stairs and neared the door the last few months flashed through her mind. This night was nothing knew. The door had sounded every night for the last few months, but this night something broke in the heart of the mistress of the house. She could ignore this persistence no longer. Tonight she would open the door to the unknown visitor in hopes that they would be satisfied and then leave her alone to return to her peace and quiet. But there was something more. Deep within her, this dear lady was unsettled. Since the moment the knocking had begun those months ago she had not been able to shake a feeling of unrest. It was as though her visitor was not seeking to come into this house she had built but rather they were seeking to call her out. Every knock. Every ring. Every persistent sound was calling to her to open the door and come out. Come out of all she called normal. All she had surrounded herself by and buried herself in. Out of the routine of her days and out of the passivity of her nights. 
But she had ignored it until now. The risk was simply to great. To consider answering the call had been horrific as she considered all she would have to surrender and leave behind simply to answer....
Ha, she thought as she took another step towards the door. She certainly was overthinking this. It was just a simple knock at the door after all. 
Or was it!? 
There was something about this visitor, perhaps it was simply the determination in which they came Day in and day out. This could be no simple visit. They were forcing her out of her comfort, forcing her to confront her fears, forcing her to....
At least it felt like force.
She certainly couldn’t ignore it anymore! 
And with that, she quickly ran to the door and swung it open. There would be no more pondering and wondering this night. 
And there it was. Hope, laying there at the door step with an invitation tied around its neck. Come away with me my love was written on it. Taking one  step out the door, she looked around trying to see who had left the note. 
The risks of her actions began to whisper at her but she could not deny the draw this message had to her. After all, they had been persistent, and with that, she took another step outside. Leaving her dark house behind, the light began to illuminate and shine in all around her and revelation began to break forth into her heart. Hope has taken ahold now, and she quickly began to run after the one who had invited her out as she got a glimpse of him! Yes, she would leave all behind and chase after him. 


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