The Lion and the Lamb

Story time  I wrote this a year or so ago-
Once upon a time there was a little lamb named Lambsy. She was white and woolly, but so were the thousands of other sheep. Lambsy so longed to be noticed in this sea of sheep that she would move about from place to place and dance and sing hoping that someone would notice, but alas, day after day no one took notice of this little lamb. One day while Lambsy was out playing she saw a lion. Most of the sheep were very scared of lions, but little lambsy was not afraid. She was drawn to this lion. Still, with caution she thought, she ought to leave that lion alone and she went on her way. Back again in the pasture with the other sheep, little lambsy danced and skipped around, but with no one to celebrate her joy with her she quickly became weary and sad. She thought, it would be so much more fun to dance with the other sheep. For the other sheep to share this joy she had.
The next day Lambsy decided to go to check to see if the Lion was still there. And day after day after day after that she would go to the edges of her pasture to see if she could catch a glimpse of that magnificent Lion. Every time she saw that Lion she would dance and sing and do extraordinary things to catch his attention. Each day she drew closer and closer to where she saw him laying, until one day she found herself dancing right into him. OH, she said, EXCUSE ME! And quickly began to tremble as fear came over her at the magnitude of this Lion. He was fierce and strong and so magnificent. She quickly fell down to the ground as though dead in her fear. It was then that the Lion said the most unexpected thing. “I wondered when you would make it over here”, He said, “I’ve been watching you dance and sing! I’ve seen the passion you put into all you do, and I have been looking forward to this day!” Little Lambsy trembled as she said, “forgive me Mr. Lion. Do not touch me or I might die!” The lion rumbled as he reached out and pulled Lambsy close. “You may die, but you may also be more alive than you ever have been before”. Suddenly as Lambsy was drawn close into the Lions arms she noticed the trees were full of all sorts of birds that were singing out, “dance for us Lambsy, dance for us! We want to see you dance for the Lion!”.
The Lion spoke up then, “You have danced for me from afar Lambsy, but I want to draw you closer into my secret place so that you can truly know me. I am good and kind. I will cut off all your old wool and new wool will grow in its place and you will be new and you will know Joy like you never did before!”.
Though Lambsy was afraid, she could not deny the appeal she had to the Lion’s offer and quickly said yes! “But what can I give you in return?” Said Lambsy. The Lion said, just keep coming to me Lambsy. Keep coming back. Keep talking to me. Keep coming to me and I will keep giving you life. Give me your life and you will find more LIFE!”
As the birds all sang, the Lion gave Lambsy a new coat of wool and she felt lighter and danced higher than ever before. As she went to bed that night Lambsy glowed as bright as the stars in the night. As bright as a fresh winter snow and she knew, she’d never be the same again.


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